Eyes of Faith Fellowship Church
Christians today live in a fallen world filled with immorality, drunkenness, thievery and a host of other godless behaviors that corrupt the soul. Have you ever wondered why an all powerful God would subject those He loves to such degradation? If it were up to you or me we would have made everything perfect and Christians would simply lie on beds of ease. Maybe you wouldn’t, but I would. That’s if it were up to me.
However, as I grow in my Christian faith I am learning that the heavily traveled way is not always the best way. Sometimes God will allow us to get into the worst situations imaginable because it will show us how weak and frail we are and how mighty and powerful He is. The bible teaches that the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak. Boy, do I know that. I am always thinking of ways to bring glory to God. My heart and mind is always brimming with plans, but my flesh is overwhelmed and is always trying to put out the fire in my heart that burns for God. Through life’s trials and circumstances we are trained not to trust in ourselves but upon the Living God.
Our adversary, satan, is opposed to you or I doing the will of God so as Peter teaches we should not think it strange when we go through various trials. Rather we should realize if God has allowed us to experience a particular situation He must know something about us that we don’t. You had better believe that’s true. The bible says that Jesus learned obedience through the things He suffered. God through Christ created us and is well aware of our strengths and our weaknesses. In order for us to gain that knowledge of ourselves God has chosen the vehicle of faith. Despite what’s going on in my life or your life we are told to persevere. Hebrews 6:12, says it’s through faith and patience that we inherit the promises of God. Romans 15:4, even says everything that was written beforehand was written for our benefit that through patience and comfort of the scripture we might have hope.
In the roughest times of life we must meditate on God’s word because therein lies our peace, our joy, our sigh of relief. One of the things I truly understand about trials is that when you are going through one the picture doesn’t seem as rosy to you as it does for everyone else. Sometimes we deprive ourselves of sleep, food and fellowship and therefore we become fertile ground for the enemy. When Jesus had that forty day fast in the wilderness it was in His weakest moments that the enemy came at Him with very powerful suggestions of how He should prove His deity although it was not time. In a similar way the enemy catches you and me at our weakest and tries to get us to move ahead of God’s plan for our lives.
I don’t know the details of everything you’re going through as a Christian, but I do know the bible teaches that all believers are facing many of the same challenges just in different packages. Someone may have just lost a loved one. Another may be struggling with guilt over something they did years ago. Yet, someone else may be going through tough times financially, or maybe a marriage is on the verge of divorce.
Listen to me brothers and sisters God has asked us to trust His son Jesus Christ with our lives and we must know according to the word of God that as we live obediently before Him He is not unrighteous to forget our faithfulness. Remember, God will reward those who trust in Him. Jesus says behold I come quickly and My reward is with Me. We walk by faith not by sight. The bible says over and over and over again the just live by faith. Trusting and believing God is a lifestyle it’s not a one shot miracle and go back to business as usual. Every day of our lives here on earth is an opportunity for Jesus to bring glory to God by how He lives in us.
I know there are lots of believers struggling today with infidelity, pornography, alcohol, drugs you name it, and people of God are struggling with it. Nevertheless I want to let someone out there know that no matter what you are facing God is greater. That’s why In 1 Corinthians 15, Paul was able to say thanks be to God who always gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ. Did you hear that? It doesn’t matter what your challenge is, God has given you the victory. You can defeat pornography. You can defeat infidelity. You can defeat drug and alcohol addictions. You can defeat guilt, worry, fear and doubt. I don’t mean you by yourself can defeat these things I mean you in your steadfast commitment to Jesus Christ. Paul says you must decide to believe the Word of God and trust the Savior. Isaiah asked, “Who has believed our report and to whom has the power of God been revealed?” God’s might and power will be revealed in your life if you will surrender totally to Him. You must not stray from the Word of God. You must live in a way that pleases God. As you begin to trust God your faith and confidence increases and you’ll see that your trust in Jesus Christ was not in vain.
Jesus said in this evil, sin-sick world you will have trouble, but be of good cheer He’s still in command and in control. The devil may go about as a roaring lion but you can rest assured he can’ t even attempt to bite you unless the Lord allows. I know someone may be saying well God allowed the devil a clear path to come after me, but dear saint please don’t stop trusting Jesus. I know its tough waging war with the enemy, but I also know that Jesus Christ is always right by my side and yours. So truly you are never alone.
Romans 8 says that the sufferings at this present time are not even worthy to be compared to the glory which God in Christ shall reveal through us. Paul also uses a similar quote in 2 Corinthians 4: 17-18, but instead of saying there was suffering, Paul labels them temporary light afflictions. Saints, whatever trial you’re facing please know in the presence of an omnipotent God it’s very temporary. God doesn’t give us all the answers as to why He allows us to go through things, but He does promise to be with us and to give us sufficient grace for the trial.
I ‘m saying to you today Christ is your only hope. You can try a lot of things, and probably have, but you’ll come up empty and more discouraged, but if you really trust Jesus you’ll know that you have the victory and it’s from your faith in Jesus the Son of God. We are more than conquerors through Him who first loved us and gave Himself for us. God says if He gave us His own Son shall He not through His Son freely give us all things.
As the Queen of England once said to a granddaughter of hers who was slouching in a chair at the dinner table, “sit up straight don’t you know who you are?” Likewise you and I as believers although we are facing stiff opposition in this life we must realize who we are and whose we are. We are heirs of salvation, joint heirs with Christ, kings and priest, rulers and judges that have been justified, sanctified and glorified by our Savior Jesus Christ. If God be for us who can be against us? Peter says that we have been made partakers of God’s divine nature. We possess the very essence of God. More importantly we can rest because the bible teaches that all thanks belong to God because He always causes us to triumph in Christ.
Grow in grace and in the victory Christ has secured for you.